Too-large items

As a library, by default BoxPacker makes the design choice that any errors or exceptions thrown during operation are best handled by you and your own code as the appropriate way to to handle a failure will vary from application to application. There is no attempt made to handle/recover from them internally.

This includes the case where there are no boxes large enough to pack a particular item. The normal operation of the Packer class is to throw an NoBoxesAvailableException. If your application has well-defined logging and monitoring it may be sufficient to simply allow the exception to bubble up to your generic handling layer and handle like any other runtime failure. Applications that do that can make an assumption that if no exceptions were thrown, then all items were successfully placed into a box.

Alternatively, you might wish to catch the exception explicitly and have domain-specific handling logic e.g.

    use DVDoug\BoxPacker\NoBoxesAvailableException;
    use DVDoug\BoxPacker\Packer;
    use DVDoug\BoxPacker\Test\TestBox;  // use your own `Box` implementation
    use DVDoug\BoxPacker\Test\TestItem; // use your own `Item` implementation

    try {
        $packer = new Packer();

        $packer->addBox(new TestBox('Le petite box', 300, 300, 10, 10, 296, 296, 8, 1000));
        $packer->addBox(new TestBox('Le grande box', 3000, 3000, 100, 100, 2960, 2960, 80, 10000));

        $packer->addItem(new TestItem('Item 1', 2500, 2500, 20, 2000, Rotation::BestFit));
        $packer->addItem(new TestItem('Item 2', 25000, 2500, 20, 2000, Rotation::BestFit));
        $packer->addItem(new TestItem('Item 3', 2500, 2500, 20, 2000, Rotation::BestFit));

        $packedBoxes = $packer->pack();
    } catch (NoBoxesAvailableException $e) {
        $affectedItems = $e->getAffectedItems(); // you can retrieve the list of affected items

        //add code to pause dispatch, page someone and/or perform any other handling of your choice

However, an Exception is for exceptional situations and for some businesses, some items being too large and thus requiring special handling might be considered a normal everyday situation. For these applications, having an Exception thrown which interrupts execution might be not be wanted or be considered problematic.

BoxPacker also supports this type of workflow by setting throwOnUnpackableItem to false. When doing this, the return value of ->pack() is a PackedBoxList as in regular operation. You can then call ->getUnpackedItems() to retrieve the list of those that were not able to be packed. An example:

    use DVDoug\BoxPacker\Packer;
    use DVDoug\BoxPacker\Test\TestBox;  // use your own `Box` implementation
    use DVDoug\BoxPacker\Test\TestItem; // use your own `Item` implementation

    $packer = new Packer();
    $packer->throwOnUnpackableItem(false); // defaults to true

    $packer->addBox(new TestBox('Le petite box', 300, 300, 10, 10, 296, 296, 8, 1000));
    $packer->addBox(new TestBox('Le grande box', 3000, 3000, 100, 100, 2960, 2960, 80, 10000));

    $packer->addItem(new TestItem('Item 1', 2500, 2500, 20, 2000, Rotation::BestFit));
    $packer->addItem(new TestItem('Item 2', 25000, 2500, 20, 2000, Rotation::BestFit));
    $packer->addItem(new TestItem('Item 3', 2500, 2500, 20, 2000, Rotation::BestFit));

    $packedBoxes = $packer->pack();

    // It is *very* important to check this is an empty list (or not) when exceptions are disabled!
    $unpackedItems = $packer->getUnpackedItems();